11 July 2008

The Birth of Wesley Michael Essig

I had the privilege of being able to be with my sister in law, Leigh, during her labor of her third son, Wesley Michael Essig, born on July 9, 2008. I was in and out as she labored for a little over 18 hours... This video documents the work before and the lovin' after the delivery. It was such a blessing to be a part of... and so much easier than being the laborer this time around! We are so glad to welcome this sweet little man into the family!

07 July 2008

4th of July Bang and the Bang to come...

This past 4th of July marked not only the celebration of our independence as a nation, but the 2nd year of life of our sweet 'lil P-dog! We had a great time with him as he was understanding a little bit more of what this day is. He absolutely loved his homemade ice cream cake the best!

Now we await the "Bang" of a new Essig entering the world as Leigh, my sis-n-law, will be induced tomorrow morning. I hope to be with her throughout the process and will update when all is done... keep her in your prayers!!!

Sleepy Blessings...

Have you ever had such a lucid dream that you thought it was really happening? That happens to me sometimes, but last night was one of only two times that I have really experienced a dream-like encounter with God. I know it sounds weird, and I cannot even really explain it enough to give it justice, but I really felt God's presence in my sleep last night. Let me put into context why this might have happened...

As many of you know, Chris and I are leaving our current church and seeking a new church home. Chris is also leaving behind a music ministry that he really felt invested in and searching for a new position. We have interviewed twice, gotten really excited twice, and had our hopes dashed twice... Very recently Chris has applied for two more positions, one here in Columbia and one near Greenville, and that has occupied our thoughts. We have all but exhausted all possible options, but one day last week Chris decided to contact a Pastor here who used to be his youth group leader years ago (and who pastors a church we would not mind attending!) and see if he knew of anything opening up around town. Let me just tell you that for Chris to step out like this, without really thinking through it for a bit first, was a huge thing... anyway, turns out the pastor is on sabatical, but he was able to get in touch with the current Worship Leader. This guy sent Chris a response that blew us out of the water... He told Chris that he is leaving his job soon and the church will be looking for someone to replace him... This is VERY good news for us. So, Chris sends his resume on over the guys in charge and gets almost an immediate response from them as well. They wanted to meet with Chris! They had a phone interview that was very positive and set up to meet this Wednesday!!! Now, we are excited, but also very much aware of the possibility of disappointment looming in the air. We are constantly thinking about Wednesday and trying not to get our hopes up. Now, back to my dream...

In my dream I remember feeling very peaceful and there being a lot of light... don't remember much else in terms of details, but really just how it felt warm and intense, but peaceful. I remember it seemed as though God was annointing Chris or blessing him and telling me that all was under His wing and not to worry. I remember feeling so at ease, but also such an intensity like when you just don't want to blink cause you might miss something. Then God told me that I had some things that I needed to work on in my life. I needed to spend more time in the Word and in prayer and generally lining up my priorities... lining them up to God. I needed to be more present in God's working and not so present in my own. It was so very real. Like I said, I have only experienced this once before and don't remember a lot about it, just that I was certain it was God speaking to me. I hope that He continues to speak to me this way in the future, but for now you better be sure I am getting back to basics!

Right now I would ask that you would keep us in your prayers. God is at work, I know this, and despite the outcome of the interview I am convinced we are safe in his arms. Pray that God would bring His favor upon Chris and that we would allow Him to lead in all areas of our lives. Pray that He would give Chris the confidence he needs to do the Lord's will and know his place in God's work here. Pray that I would be a good wife and mother as I wait on what He is doing in and through us. Pray that our children would see Christ in our actions and responses to God's plan for us. Lastly, pray that we would be obedient to His call, wherever that may lead...